written by Domenic

For as long as you can remember you have been going to school. As long as your mind has been able to withhold significant amount of memories for a long period of time one theme has always been present. School. Class. Teachers. Endless homework assignments. Quizzes, tests and strange stares from professors.
You are pushed to succeed, to get that grade. Get into a good college, get into ANY college. You go to college you party you do just enough to pass. Then sometime in Late April/Early May of your senior year it all comes to a head. Suddenly everything is due at once and all of your finals are taking place at the same time. You scramble to finish then you turn in your last paper and stand up from your last final walk out of the door and realize, I'm Done. Even after partying for a week straight before you graduation it still hasn't sunk in. Then finally you have a black gown on with a flat hat and you are sitting in seats on a field or in an auditorium. Someone calls your name and you walk across the stage only to be handed a piece of paper with your name on it. The next speaker says congratulations and then you take your cap off and fling it as far as you can up into the air. As you watch it go sailing off into the distance, it's landing place unknown, you can feel that weight, those years of perpetual school, all being released. As it starts to fall back down you lock eyes with a close friend of the past four years who is smiling from ear to ear. Someone you have spent countless strange hours with and who you may never see again. You smile back. Put your hands on the wheel, let the golden age begin.  
9/4/2021 03:21:52 pm

Hello nnice blog


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