written by Domenic

There was that dream you had. It started off like a distant memory being conjured from deep below. Deep below any conscious thought. From memories you knew you possessed but would never have manifested themselves. Only some light napping on a sunny Sunday to bring them to the surface. They were from the past. Small memories from a previous life that seem so familiar yet so far away; wanting to re – connect with those people or those memories; things that are at once so close to being realized but then immediately disappear. Walking down the street and seeing an old friend only to turn smile at them and say ‘hey!’ as you keep walking in opposite directions, there image fading with the feeling. Looking for them and going to a familiar location only to see that the party is over, everyone has gone home and you missed it. A gorgeous day, you pick up pieces of something unrecognizable from the ground – remnants of the previous memory - and wander around looking for your friends but no one is there. The feeling of meeting up with old memories begins to disappear, you try desperately to grasp at it but before you can it vanishes and a loneliness takes its place. Where did they all go? You walk out of the building as the sun sets. You wake up on your couch suddenly and wonder if you can get to that.

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